Secretary's Message

Secretary's Message


"Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself." -John Dewey

Education plays a pivotal role in getting an individual equipped with skills and competencies essential for a successful life. S. D. Kanya Mahavidyala, Mansa has also been contributing in the noble task of educating women for more than fifty years and there is no denying that the institution has worked ceaselessly during all these years to transform itself from a nascent vision into reality. It has carved a niche for the students and the faculty not only to express their thoughts and feelings but also to unfold their hidden talents.

It gives me immense pleasure to be part of this institution that always works for the betterment of the students and I do seek heavenly grace to work for the all-round development of the girl students.

Shiv Pal Bansal

S.D. Kanya Mahavidyala
Managing Committee